The Holy Spirit
God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. Romans 5:5
My journey of writing PRAYER MADE SIMPLE, all began with a prayer, a paragraph or two of words. Words I chose to express my family’s need for help from our Almighty Father. I gave my prayer so much thought before I actually prayed it to God; I wanted it to be just right.
Did you ever notice how difficult it could be when you’re going before God, and you’re trying to put into words exactly what is on your mind and in your heart?
One of the first “Faith Lessons” I learned on this amazing journey was the gift of the Holy Spirit and how He helps us pray. He knows our heart; He knows the Father. He is God.
The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God's own will. Romans 8:26-27 NLT
So, I asked the Holy Spirit to help me pray. Boy, did He show up for me in a mighty way! As I began to include God’s Word with my prayers, and write them down, words literally poured out of me. Praying became so much more fulfilling. I was no longer stressing about what words I’d say to God. I was now engaged in intimate heart-to-heart conversations with Him. I was being filled with His perfect Word, what a difference.
I was so excited, and as I shared this great news with my friends and family to encourage them to write their prayers down, I discovered it wasn't easy for them. The journals I sent them remained empty. In an effort to help them grasp the concept of “wrapping” their prayer around God’s Word, I asked the Holy Spirit to help me pray to the Father, and pray to Jesus. I began to look for Scripture relevant to my loved one’s particular circumstances and I wrote prayers to go with them. I left them room to add names and the specifics, so they could make it personal. As the Holy Spirit poured through me, I wrote and I wrote. Prior to this I never had one ounce of aspiration to be a writer, but God had different plans. Writing PRAYER MADE SIMPLE with the Holy Spirit’s help became one of the biggest joys of my life.
To be truthful, I thought He wanted me to write this for everyone else but me. I thought I was helping my friends and family strengthen their faith in God. Encourage them to talk with God, read their Bible, and start a conversation with Him. Listen and hear what God wanted to say to them.
What I soon discovered was that my husband Steve and I would come to need prayer and God’s help in a big way. The year 2014 was about to hit us hard with heartbreaking, turbulent events, one after the other. Amazing - God’s timing was perfect. Prayer and conversation with God the Father saved us, literally.
I know the Holy Spirit reveals to us things that may be coming, and I believe in my heart He was preparing us to be ready, to be successful in triumphing over the trials and tribulations that were headed our way, not by our own strength, but by God’s Divine strength. Looking back, I am absolutely positive the Holy Spirit was showing me, teaching me, guiding me to begin a prayer practice in a new and powerful way. How else would we be able to deal with the struggles we would soon face? My family and I were going to need prayer and the Holy Spirit was preparing me in a blessed, mighty way. One by one the challenges and heartache crumbled. The mountain was reduced to dirt beneath our feet. Praise God!
The Holy Spirit transformed my life in a powerful way and I want everyone to know the Holy Spirit is waiting to transform you as well! My goal is to encourage and inspire readers to embrace the Holy Spirit and invite Him to lead you to salvation. The Holy Spirit seals us with that promise of redemption. So you see, the Holy Spirit is not an option. He is an absolute necessity.
No matter what our lives looked like before, it is never too late to claim our redemption; the redemption that through Christ’s death is ours. We don’t wait to “get better” or “clean up” our lives before we come before the Lord. Remember:
God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
Ask the Holy Spirit to help show you, guide you, and lead you. He is the best friend you could ever have. He is the key and He will help you to know Jesus in a way you never thought possible. Go ahead, push the reset button on your life and start over.
The Holy Spirit continues to be with me each and every day. He helps me to focus daily on the plan God set out for me, and He shows me how to live a life where the focus is to glorify Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. I know in my heart that the Holy Spirit helped me to write this book in the face of my adversity to share with you how to pray, believe, and have faith and trust in God for His Divine love and mercy.
I hope my website will encourage you to open up a dialogue with God by turning the pages of your Bible. Read and feel His Word; pray to Him, speak to Him, listen to Him and most importantly, embrace and live His perfect plan for your life.
God is waiting to answer your prayers, to move your mountains. Take the first step if you haven’t already, and talk with God, talk with His beloved Son, Jesus Christ and take up fellowship with the Holy Spirit who lives within you right now and is waiting to help. When Jesus died and ascended into heaven, He gave us all a wonderful gift from the Father on Pentecost - the invisible Jesus Christ, who came to reside in you and me, in the Person of the Holy Spirit. Love Him with all your heart and praise God for His unconditional love and mercy.