Words from this favorite song of many, took on new meaning this week, as I read a poignant message sent to me. A pair of colorful songbirds were flying elegantly in the air back to their nest, when they unwittingly flew too low right into traffic. Quickly, they tried to reverse course and rise above the cars, but unfortunately, the female was unable to avoid an oncoming vehicle. As she fell to the pavement, in distress her male companion swooped down to gently nudge her hoping she would respond and fly to safety. When she did not, he flew off to bring back food to nourish her. Again, there was no reaction. Finally, he nudged her one last time – nothing. Upon the recognition that she was dead, he sang a mournful song of grief.
I wiped the tears from my eyes, then I sat amazed realizing how all of God’s creation feels a deep pain only death elicits. As sorrowful as this picture is, a more tragic scene is that of the world falling into the abyss of death where nudging will not be able to revive the lost soul. God, told us in Matthew 10:29-31 that we are infinitely more valuable than a thousand sparrows, and even the hairs of our head are numbered. He sees us when we fall, but unlike the songbird, He is able to rescue us from the ultimate fall.
God’s reaction to our fall was not to simply declare we are valuable, but to demonstrate to us our worth: “While we were still in our sins Christ died for us.” No greater love has ever been displayed than that which we see vividly at the cross. And on that cross, when the Father turned His back on His Son, Jesus cried out with a sound more plaintive than the songbird; His cry pierced the heavens: “My God, My God why have You forsaken Me?” Then Jesus gave Himself up to death. Three days later He arose in victory over death and sits at the right hand of the Father. The songbird had no hope after death, but by placing our faith in Him, we are no longer under the curse of death, but live in hope of the resurrection.
Yes, His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He cares for me so much so, that He sacrificed everything to make me His child. Why should I be discouraged!!
Dear Father, Creator and sustainer of life I bow before you in praise and adoration for all that You are. Thank You for the beauty of Your creation and for how it speaks to me of Your power and might. Knowing that You see even one sparrow fall and that You have numbered the very hairs of my head reveal a love that gives me great joy and comfort. Thank You Jesus, for coming to die for me that I might have life in You and not face eternal death as the sparrow did after the fall. Holy Spirit guide me and use me so that I might bear witness of the God of the ages to all with whom I come in contact. Finally, God, my Father, may I remember always that because You care for me I never need to be discouraged. I love You Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.