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Empower My Heart To Share

Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth.” Jeremiah 1:9

Dear Father of my salvation,

You have lovingly placed the Holy Spirit, the mighty Spirit of the Living God into my heart and I thank You. Bless me with steadfast faith; fill me with Christ’s Truth, compassion and understanding so that the living gospel that lives inside of me may reach the hearts of the oppressed, the hopeless, and the lost. Place those who suffer in darkness in my path Father; open my eyes and ears to see and hear them. Bless me with words and wisdom so I may confidently, courageously and faithfully point them to the Lord, Jesus Christ, to His light, His way, His hope. Father, open their eyes, ears and heart to receive the gospel and the hope of eternal life in our Lord Jesus’ name.

I am Your humble servant, Your willing vessel. Fill and use me Almighty Father. I praise You today and all the days of my life and I give You all the glory.

In Jesus’ holy name I pray. Amen


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