Terry Manley is a dedicated Christian who believes that prayer is our lifeline to God. Although she is not a scholar with formal Biblical training, she wrote PRAYER MADE SIMPLE with the guidance of two important teachers: the Bible and the Holy Spirit.
Terry’s family underwent several very difficult challenges, and when the health of a loved one was in crisis, she needed to hear from God in a mighty way. Although Terry was involved in religious activity by attending church every Sunday, her prayer life was weak and it left her feeling unfulfilled. She was stuck reciting the same tired memorized one-sided prayers and discovered what she was lacking was having a relationship with God. Change was desperately needed. She began to focus on having two-sided conversations with God by including Scripture with her prayer, and she made the commitment to spend quiet time every morning praying and listening.
God was faithful and heard Terry’s prayer; her family received a miracle. Terry encouraged her family and friends to open up a conversation with God and to hear what the Almighty Father had to personally say to them. Many struggled with how and where to begin, so Terry set out to write this book to make prayer simple.
If you aren’t sure how to begin your conversation with God, PRAYER MADE SIMPLE has made it easy, the Scriptures and prayers are waiting for you. All you have to do is insert specific names and circumstances into the prayers to make them your own. Choose a Scripture that speaks to your heart and your situation, and meditate on God’s Word and your prayer together.
Also included in PRAYER MADE SIMPLE are the life changing lessons of faith and hope that Terry learned during her journey through times of adversity. Her conversations with God, the lessons she learned, dramatically changed her relationship with God and ultimately changed her life; they can change yours too!
Some of the lessons Terry shares:
How to start a conversation with God
How to ask for forgiveness
How to praise and worship God
How to “speak into being”
How to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior
How to “stand in the gap” for one another
How the Holy Spirit is here with you now, and wants to be a part of your life
How to overcome “the opposition”
PRAYER MADE SIMPLE will encourage you to open up a dialogue with God, to read and feel His Word, to pray to Him, to be still and hear from Him, and to embrace and live His perfect plan for your life. God is waiting to answer your prayers, to move the mountains in your life!